Effort won’t betray you

Drawing of Louise doing roll up exercise in Pop Pilates class
Doing roll up exercise

How much weight you want to lose, how much fat you want to burn, and how fit you want to be is determined by how much effort you put in. If you want to see results, you need to commit to working out regularly, push yourself beyond your limits when exercising, and control your diet. Most importantly, don’t give up easily. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

Focus on getting better than you used to be

Drawing of Louise doing mountain climbers with TRX exercise in F45 workout
Doing mountain climbers with and without TRX.

Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 15. The person you should be comparing with is yourself. Fitness isn’t about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be. Focus on getting better. Practice, practice, practice and get slightly better every day.

Initially I could only do 12 mountain climbers but I pushed myself further to do one more time. It becomes part of my muscle memory and soon, I could do 13 at one go and that’s how I got to 18 now.

If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

When there’s a will, there’s a way

Drawing of Louise and friend doing balancing in workout class
Balancing on one leg.
Drawing of Louise and friend doing fluttering kicks in workout class
Fluttering kicks with shoulder blades off the floor and both legs should not touch the floor throughout the exercise.
Drawing of Louise and friend doing high knee in workout class
Trying to go as high as possible while doing high knee.
Drawing of Louise and friend doing star jump in workout class
Jump high and land softly while doing star jump.

Exercising on a regular basis has become a routine and any plans that come between it are pushed to some other days. That’s when I know I like my workout classes so much that I do not want to miss any. Exercising has become a priority and cannot be compromised. I am determined to do it despite any circumstances. When there’s a will, there’s a way. Make time for your health.

Featuring my sister. We used to watch variety shows together on a weekday evening and now we have switched to exercising together. That’s a change in our lifestyle.


Louise doing heel click HIIT exercise

Louise doing heel click and clap partner HIIT exercise

Louise and her friends doing heel click and clap HIIT exercise

Progression of heel click and clap your partner, from solo to duo to foursome. Group fitness atmosphere is like working as a team and workout friends are also your motivators in pushing you to go further.

One more try!

Drawing of Louise doing bench jump at F45

I did a perfect bench jump and I could feel I was in the mid-air. Wow! I used to think how could I be able to hold my weight with just my hands? But the thing is don’t underestimate, I am strong enough! 😀

Strive for progression because you never know, you may be able to do it!


Drawing of Louise doing side crunches with kick exercise

Let your faith be bigger than your uncertainties because as long as you are willing to do it, nothing stands in your way and as long as you don’t give up, you will get there someday!